Forbes 50 over 50 Inaugural Celebration Event

An incredible day with inspiring women - all changing the world through their businesses.
As a special guest to the inaugural Forbes 50 over 50 event, Farmhouse Fresh CEO Shannon McLinden found herself sitting among a roomful of women responsible for the creation and execution of large companies ($20 million in sales or more), as well as leading philanthropic movements in an effort to change the world for the better.
It was an afternoon that included host Mika Brzezinski, founder of MSNBC's Know Your Value, interviewing the First Lady, as well as lunch and networking with 50 of the most incredible ladies who are making such a profound impact on their communities and the world at large.
"The fire within you grows when you meet all these wonderful women whose hearts and passions aligned to bring visionary changes to the world around them, just as our team at FarmHouse Fresh is aligned with rescuing complexions and animals in need," said McLinden, CEO and Founder of FarmHouse Fresh.
"What an honor to be part of this day. It was as if the stars aligned. In a room of less than 100 invitees - I met women who share in similar philanthropies - to save animals and expand sustainability in farming - and I can't wait to see how we can collaborate to bring even bigger and more important changes."
Featured above, Shannon McLinden and Mika Brzezinski, founder of MSNBC's Know Your Value. Miyoko Schinner, CEO & Founder of Miyoko's Creamery and Laura Fuentes, RPh, Co-Founder & COSI Green Roads CBD, and (below) Karin Vardaman, Director and Founder of Working Circle.
Miyoko, of Miyoko's Creamery, also runs a 501 (c) (3) Rancho Compas'ion-- so similar to FarmHouse Fresh in their farm animal rescue mission -- with the goal to inspire compassion for all living beings through the joy of food and the positivity of plants.
Karin Vardaman, Director and Founder of Working Circle, is leading the way in helping large predator conservation and sustainable ranching. She has a profound love of Wolves. Her nonprofit's mission is to help create shared landscapes that support and value ranch families, while reducing wolf-livestock conflict so that large carnivores, cattle, and people can succeed and thrive.
Laura Fuentes, RPh, Co-Founder & COSI Green Roads (one of the top CBD companies in the country) is on a mission to bring all the amazing phytochemical properties of the hemp plant to health and wellness for animals and humans alike! Laura is a pharmacist and the creator of Green Roads’ proprietary formulations.
Each of these like-minded ladies are moving forward with incredible speed to transform how we farm, care for animals, the health of fellow human beings, and the environment! Thank you to all our FarmHouse Fresh skincare customers who support our rescue and rehabilitation mission!