30 & Lots of Life Left
6 Months in a Hospital; Now You're Home
Ark Watch Foundation saved a starved paint female quarter horse, 30 years old with a swayed back, who was dropped at a sale barn with an enormous life-ending leg injury that had spread to the bone. Ark Watch knew she could only travel a short distance, and that if they could not help her, they could at least help her pass peacefully.
Let the Healing Begin

Reatta Animal Clinical in Weatherford, Texas took on this case. Together with Ark Watch, they began addressing her starvation, and aggressively treating her infection and leg wound. Even at the ripe old age of 30, she began improving. She was treated and stalled for over 6 months at the hospital until she was healthy enough, and her leg wound closed enough, to be placed at FarmHouse Fresh Sanctuary.

We are honored to have her! This beautiful girl was loved, used, and dumped thoughtlessly by her owners. It is this final mile where rescues like Ark Watch step in to not allow suffering of these once-loved animals. Since arrival, Dolly, has been given a new name, Rosie. Named on behalf of a young woman, Britt, who died of Cystic Fibrosis, and who's mother (@tessicasc on TikTok) said as a child would call her disease "65 roses"... Rosie is getting a second wind here at FarmHouse Fresh. Her swayed back does not bother her, but she has since been diagnosed with Cushings Disease. We are managing her disease with daily oral medication -- made possible by you! Simply buying the products you love from FarmHouse Fresh. The wound on her leg is healed. And she is living her best life here at our Sanctuary!