Running on Empty

A Clear S.O.S.
This beautiful horse was starved, and left in the hands of a kill pen, when her owner no longer wanted her. An amazing organization, Now That I’m Safe Equine Rescue, posted for help, and a whole team of wonderful people decided to step in and dedicate their time and money – we’re looking at you: Vicky Olson, Jill Hagan, Marie Hunt and FarmHouse Fresh Farmies! Yes YOU! Using money from your purchases of our creamy, dreamy body and skincare products, our FHF team was able to send the funds necessary to contribute to bail, quarantine and veterinary care to begin her life’s transformation.
Starting Anew
Her new name is Luna – it’s Latin for moon – and perfectly fitting because the moon always rises. In her first week, she’s had painful teeth pulled, is eating, resting, being fitted with comfort boots and is slowly coming back to life.
Be sure to follow this incredible organization, Now That I'm Safe Equine Rescue and send a big YEE-HAW by liking and following their page. They truly are heroes among us. The team working at organizations like this rely on every single penny donated to be able to continue their work. They provide a constant wave of love for the many abused and neglected animals who couldn’t make it without them. You can also donate to Luna’s cause and stay up to date on her new journey to a better life.
You Can Help Any Day And We'll Reward You:
If you contribute $10 or more to this rescue, snap a screenshot and shoot us an email. We'll send you a free hand cream of your choice! An Amazing "BOUNCING" Update!
In an amazing turn of events, we are THRILLED to announce that not only did you help save Luna, you saved her growing baby! See the update photo to the left. After 66 days of care and green growing pastures, it appears Luna is pregnant! We are so grateful that through purchases of your favorite skincare products, you helped to save TWO deserving souls.