Stitch Gets a Blood Transfusion

Life Saving Care by our Super-Champ Blood Donor, Oliver!
Stitch, the baby goat who was brought to us after being stomped on by a mule and losing his arm, hasn't had the energy he should. A blood test showed he's low on iron and even with weeks of adding an iron supplement to his diet, he just couldn't keep the levels up.
To the rescue: Oliver! Our boer goat who is the youngest in our group, spunky, and always gung-ho for anything. He and Stitch took a trip to Dr. Avery's where Oliver donated blood, and Stitch was the recipient of the transfusion.
Both these boys came home the same day, both with playful energy and both with appetites! We're hoping this donation gave Stitch the boost he needs to jumpstart his body into healthy gear.
In a week, Dr. Avery will be making and fitting a lateral extension for Stitch's front leg to help him hop more comfortably into his beautiful new future at the Sanctuary!
Besties For Life
Lilo and Stitch who are living in Gil's Barn, our sheep house, and being raised by our 7 sheep... are just the best-est of friends! Friends who graze together, stay together :)