Meet Your Rescues

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You Made Their Story Possible.

They simply would not exist without you. So many companion animals are abused, neglected and discarded - most of them are euthanized due to overcrowded shelters or sent to slaughter when no one steps in to save them.

You help by simply buying the skincare you love! Below are the many ongoing animal rescue & care initiatives you help with as you shop.


On the Way to Their Best Lives
Your Purchases Save Lives Thanks to your everyday purchases of FarmHouse Fresh® products, this month we were able to donate to a large-scale animal transportation...
"Hey Girl, HAY!" August 2020
Your Purchases Did A World Of Good If you made a purchase this August on our “Hey Girl, HAY!” Friday, we thank you so much!...
Dan and Ann
Happy Retirement Meet Dan and Ann, lifelong partners both in their late teens who have worked faithfully for the Amish. They are Percherons/Belgian crosses. They...
Our 8-Foot Dream Comes to Life
Look How Far She's Come Remember Willow's arrival day pic (below)? She had been dropped off at an auction, emaciated, with a gash on the...
London the Blind Pony
Blind Pony Saved & Already Adopted This month, we were over the moon happy to help Miss. Jo's Rescue Ranch with her recent intake. Miss...
Jamison the Mammoth Mule
Your Purchases Helped Save Him Meet Jamison the mammoth mule! He was rescued by our friends at Now That I'm Safe Equine Rescue. He is...
"Hey Girl, HAY!" Summer 2020
You Helped Save Lives Our ongoing “Hey Girl, HAY!” campaign makes a huge impact on animals' lives -- thanks to YOU! If you made a...
A Baby for Luna
Baby surprise! Luna, a starved horse that your FarmHouse Fresh ® purchases helped pull from slaughter a few months ago through Now that I'm Safe...
"Hey Girl, HAY!" Spring 2020
You Helped Save Lives If you made a purchase this spring, on particular Fridays when we announce this program, we thank you so much! Our...
Rain, Rain Go Away
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At...
Pickles, Butters & Elliot
Pickles, Butters & Elliot These three little nuggets came to the ranch when the moms who raised them to show couldn't bare to see them...
Mr. Huckleberry
A Special Hat This holiday, we used FarmHouse Fresh purchases to save a beautiful pony who we've named Mr. Huckleberry (aka Huck). Just THE cutest...

Love, Care & Dedication in Action