Good Life Gus

Goodness Gus! Meet Our Newest Donkey
Found lonely and wandering on the road, a sweet snow-white donkey (we just named Gus) was taken in by the local sheriff’s department. After four weeks on the "lost list," when nobody stepped in and claimed him as their own, we knew we had to give this donkey a new chance at life with us at The Farm! Purchased at auction, our founder Shannon along with a few team members held a weekend welcome party as his trailer drove into pasture.
It's been a slow process getting to know his new family members, because he came to us ungelded (extremely ready to mate - pacing, sweating, crying, and more!) He's since had surgery and is nearly healed, so he is finally getting to roam the pasture with his donkey herd. The ladies love him! And baby Arlo wanders behind Gus adoringly, shadowing his every move (after all, Gus is basically the first cool older brother he's ever had). Here’s to another happy rescue in the hay-books!
He hee-haws all day, all night!
Gus is a handsome gentleman and oh-so-sweet to everyone he meets! He loves long cuddle sessions with the FHF Fam and full body hugs! Upon looking at his teeth, our vet believes he is just a young 12 years of age (donkeys often live to 35!) And a new bestie? Maybe two! Maybe. He still stares longingly at Stryker (our quarter horse) and Spirit (Stryker's best friend and pony) – so full of anticipation that he’s bursting at the fence seams to run out into the pasture with them! We're hoping he calms down a bit before he can mingle with them, because right now, these two horse pals think Gus is waaay too "Stage 4 Clinger" to hang with them.
Watch our video below to see his first day at The Farm.
The Rescue Didn’t Stop There!
We partnered with Miss Jo’s Rescue Ranch, purchasing two other small donkeys from the auction that Miss Jo's took into their rescue to find homes. FHF made an additional monetary donation toward the care of the two new little ones as they await their forever adopters! Her organization and rescue ranch is one deserving of a big YEE-HAW from all of us! Visit her page to learn more, sign up to spend time volunteering, and see all the wonderful lives Johanna and her team have helped save.