Meet Your Rescues

April 1999
A Little Bit About Me...
We welcomed two draft horses, Benny (male) and Maggie (female), who were abandoned at a sale barn and left in terrible condition. This bonded pair arrived emaciated, suffering from long, cracked hooves, and even skin problems. Thankfully, they're now safe at our Sanctuary, receiving a careful refeeding program, vet care, and most importantly, lots of love!
Read the full rescue story HERE
Benny's a chatterbox who loves hyping himself up about all his athletic achievements. But he's also a bit clumsy and directionally challenged on walks. He might need a call to find his way back to you at times, but we could never get mad at him! This loyal goofball is always right behind his best friend Maggie.
Rescue Journey

Healthy Teeth, Happy Horses: A Dental Update

Double the Rescue: Meet Benny & Maggie