Meet Your Rescues

Bowie (aka Bo)
Quarter Horse
October 2001
A Little Bit About Me...
Bo came to us from a sale barn in Colorado with another horse named June (who has since peacefully crossed the rainbow bridge after almost one year at our sanctuary). He suffers from arthritis in both front legs, but his resilient spirit shines through.
October 2001
A Little Bit About Me...
Bo came to us from a sale barn in Colorado with another horse named June (who has since peacefully crossed the rainbow bridge after almost one year at our sanctuary). He suffers from arthritis in both front legs, but his resilient spirit shines through.
Stories of Second Chances

Clogs Clearly Help
Routine Fitting For This Elderly Pair Shoes make the difference - don't we all know! These are a little different. They're clogs, and they're made from scratch for...
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Old Knees -- New Life
Two Horses Get Special Care from the Ground Up Meet Bo and June. These two elderly horses' misshapen knees and bowed legs make you wince when...
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