Meet Your Rescues

Belgian Sorrel Draft Horse
August 2002
A Little Bit About Me...
Summer and her sister, Autumn, were brought to us by a rescue organization. They were immediately taken to the hospital for evaluation and were placed next to each other in stalls, where they were constantly crying to each other, revealing the strong bond they had. Our vet believes they worked together as draft horses. Summer has a large, round sore on her rear leg that we treat daily.
August 2002
A Little Bit About Me...
Summer and her sister, Autumn, were brought to us by a rescue organization. They were immediately taken to the hospital for evaluation and were placed next to each other in stalls, where they were constantly crying to each other, revealing the strong bond they had. Our vet believes they worked together as draft horses. Summer has a large, round sore on her rear leg that we treat daily.
Read the full rescue story HERE:
Summer loves to be brushed and scratched and will start lip flapping almost right away. She can be patient with her treatments, but she also still has fear. Summer prefers tiny goat treats to regular horse ones and can be quite protective of them, sometimes grabbing them with a bit too much enthusiasm.
Your purchase help us rescue and care for forgotten, neglected and abused farm animals that come to live at our FHF Sanctuary. Follow their transformations
Rescue Journey

2 Difficult Goodbyes
This past weekend, we made the most humane decision for our two beloved elderly draft horses, Summer and Autumn: helping them peacefully pass on from...
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A Monstrous Sore No More
The Basketball-Sized Sore is Gone Summer, once a tractor-pulling draft horse, who came in with a Sarcoid that grew to over 31" inches in width, is...
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Big Surgery for our Big Beauty
This is our horse named Summer. She's an elderly Belgian Sorrel Draft Horse who came into our Sanctuary with another tractor-pulling draft,...
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2 Inseparable Souls
Happy, Healing, and Thriving Thanks to You! This holiday, two elderly draft horses who were left in terrible condition at a sale barn, were saved...
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