Meet Your Rescues

April 2024
A Little Bit About Me...
Thumbelina may be tiny, but she's one tough little survivor! After a Fourth of July mishap—where a startled mule accidentally fractured her leg—this brave baby goat stole our hearts. Despite our best efforts to save her leg, Thumbelina recently had a successful amputation. But don’t let that fool you—she’s still full of spunk! With the help of her hero, Butters, who donated blood for her recovery, she's bouncing back and proving just how resilient she is.
Read the full rescue story HERE:
Thumbelina is the cutest little drama queen in the world. You’ll be across the pasture, hear her yelling, and run over, only for her to turn and look at you like, “Can I help you with something?” If you sit in her stall, she’ll ignore you! But once you pick her up, she’s so sweet and loving, and she’ll happily be held! When we take her to the vet, we just put a doggie diaper on her, place her in a dog bed, and she sleeps the whole way! She’s also in a love affair with a hairless cat named Dobby, who’s the office cat at Bonham Vet.
Rescue Journey

Lose a Leg, Gain a Friend: Thumbelina Update