Meet Your Rescues

Standard Donkey
February 2018
A Little Bit About Me...
Willie was brought to the ranch with his mother Dolly and brother Brooks after they were all found online at a kill auction. Dolly fell ill with pneumonia shortly after their arrival and had to be hospitalized, taking Willie with her (as he was so young). Thankfully, she made a full recovery and they were reunited with Brooks.
February 2018
A Little Bit About Me...
Willie was brought to the ranch with his mother Dolly and brother Brooks after they were all found online at a kill auction. Dolly fell ill with pneumonia shortly after their arrival and had to be hospitalized, taking Willie with her (as he was so young). Thankfully, she made a full recovery and they were reunited with Brooks.
Rescue Journey

Donkey Family Rescue
Rescued - Because Of You. We are so grateful to you, our friends and customers! This holiday, we were able to save a whole family...
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